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Our mission is to inspire our patrons worldwide and to create impactful solutions for our worlds most critical issues through the power of social engagement. Join our communities of activists and allies as we work towards a better and neutral world. Soon our collective voice shall be heard and we can nourish our evolution as a species!


Who We Are

Inspired by social movements of the past, Void Worm Inc. began in 2020 when a few South Carolina community members decided to organize and make an impact in our internal communities being decimated by overlapping governmental agencies. Pretty quickly, this singular moment evolved into a full-fledged movement. Our Social Movement challenges the modern ideas that hold us back from evolving as a species. We should all focus our efforts on holding our leaders accountable and think of solutions to transform society for ourselves and all future generations. The children of Earth should not be thrust into a world that is constantly under threat of nuclear devastation. Neutrality is the only possible solution to end the endless fight that every patron of Earth is bound to be a part of in their life, even their children and grandchildren eventually will have to endure the same fight on top of increasing economic instability and inflation. A single job is no longer enough to maintain a healthy lifestyle in most of the territories of Earth that haven’t declared neutrality. We are all part of an endless fight that has next to nothing to do with ourselves or our families. The only fight that should exist in modern times is the fight for change.



Work We Do



The Multinational Condorian Republic is the Neutral Outernational Kingdom that contains all land of the Earth as one collective Superterritory. The founder being The Great Tommy de Berneval on The 3rd of March, 2023 after reflecting on the current and past embarrassments and advancements of its international countries, Tommy de Berneval seceded from their old governmental union just as the Founders of the United States before them. They claimed all lands held under the Borderlines of already drawn maps of Earth for The Kingdom of Condoria. It was previously left undetermined who owned all lands under every country’s border’s lines, as they could not be held by each surrounding government at the same time unless they are neutral territory, therefore Tommy de Berneval was free to claim all unclaimed land for The Kingdom of Condoria. They lived upon one of the many lined separations in US exoterritory known as the Borderlines and used the United States(their previous government)Squaters Rights Law to enforce their presence as the Kingdom of Condoria, during secession from the US altogether.


 It was proclaimed on the founders Instagram account (TommyWormy) that they are the High King of Condoria.

The Goddome of Kondor is the name of our previously unnamed Solar System, named and claimed by the great Tommy de Berneval. The Goddome of Kondor is the name of Our Planetary System . 


 There are only 3 rules of law under Tommy’s Neutrality Regime (No Murder, No Rape, No Petty Theft) Obey the Godrules, and everything else is permitted for everyone.

It’s recommended to follow the rules and laws of the surrounding territory to avoid international incident claims from the inner governments.

All disputes be resolved in the court of Law of whichever region you reside in within The Kingdom of Condoria and its surrounded territories.


We believe that the best solutions for society come from within, and make it our mission to build awareness so that change is a possibility across the globe. We need to see a plea of neutrality from within our United Nations in order to see True Change. The constant battle takes its toll every day we don’t see an end to it, action must be taken by all members of the United Nations and continued by All Patrons of our beautiful Earth. The landfill of destruction we have plagued our Earth with can be made right if we stay conscious of our actions worldwide. Our leaders are the face of our countries, and the lower classes see nothing but the ashes of our nations burning in their wakes.
Void Worm Inc. has built an environment of support and helpful resources to make sure that Patronship is always a priority. Our success is driven by the hearts, minds, and souls of our community. Join the MCR!



Advocacy is an essential pillar of our Social Movement. There is strength in numbers, and we work to inform and encourage others to take a stand for what they wish to see in their own future society. Our Global Leader Thomas Barnwell has expanded the already existing PRIDE movement by incorporating it into the MCR as The People’s Republic of Intricate Design Everywhere, encouraging acceptance for our movement as the united superspecies of humanity paves its way through the chaotic state of the current world into a different world without unnecessary conflict amongst our own people and people of surrounding nations. We are all one as the human race!



America and most other governmental powers are designed to produce apathy in people. If you do the same thing over and over, you start to have repetitive thoughts about the same things over and over. This is bad in a dangerous or hostile work environment, it will slowly drive you insane the harder you try to work. The more money you make, the more problems you have. Too many problems lead to brain damage and a severe decline in mental health. And the more people turn their back on you and betray you, the angrier you get with the world. You start to care less about the people around you and get hyperfixated on yourself and all emotions fall inward as a personal black hole of despair and self reflection. Society can brainwash you into never looking for solutions in the world.


Climate Protest


Our work is never done, and we can use all the help we can get. One of the ways you can take part is by Volunteering. Spread the word about all that the MCR is doing, and help us gain the support we need to see Real Changes. Imagery is also a very powerful tool when used correctly, posting our flags on any social media platform and using our Names can be a tremendous help in seeing a better world around yourselves. Reach is the Key being seen Worldwide.



Every individual has the ability to motivate others and inspire true changes. By Organizing and Advertising, you become a crucial part of our movement by making sure that our mission is heard and has a far-reaching and long lasting impact on our world.


Ready to make an impact? Contact us to learn how we can begin working together.

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